Trips Publications

406 W Main Street, Ste 105, Weimar, Texas 78962

Although Trips Publications has an office in Weimar, this business doesn’t rest within four walls. The professional tourists at Trips can be found in towns all over Texas producing magazines, digital flipbooks, and marketing materials for Chambers of Commerce, businesses, and events. A woman-owned business, Trips is a partnership between Lori Olivarez-Ligues of Columbus and Michelle Banse Stokes of Weimar. With over 34 years combined experience in media and printing, these ladies can assist with any promotion, no matter how big or small. “We’re excited to help towns and businesses throughout Texas market themselves to visitors and newcomers,” said Ligues. “Learning more about different communities is an added bonus.” Although both ladies have a strong background in media – both radio and newspaper – Trips Publications is different. They don’t simply run an advertisement and hope for results. “When we join forces with a town, business, or event, we immerse ourselves in our client,” Stokes added. “Our days are spent touring towns, taking pictures at businesses, and finding ways to show off the unique qualities of everyone we work with.” Trips Publications is located in Main Street Professional Suites, 406 West Main Street, Suite 105, in Weimar. They can be reached at 979-725-3080 or by emailing Ligues at or Stokes at Their website is and you are encouraged to follow them on Facebook.