The Fayette County Record

127 Washington Street, La Grange, Texas 78945

The Fayette County Record is a small town newspaper that thinks big. With a paid print circulation of 5,500, an online following of 11,000, and specialty magazine publications with press runs of up to 20,000, the award winning Fayette County Record newspaper is one of the most read community newspapers in the state. Based in La Grange, but also focusing on the news and trends of Round Top, Fayetteville, Flatonia, Schulenburg and rural Central Texas. The Record publishes their newspaper twice a week, along with monthly magazines focusing on weddings, craft food and drinks, visitor guides, outdoor adventures and more. These guides are distributed throughout the county and the state. The Record has in-house graphic design services to help get your business noticed in the sought-after Fayette County market of 25,000 residents.